It’s hard to believe that it is already time for students and teachers to start prepping to go back to school. For some students, they’re entering high school or middle school for the first time. For others, this might be their first year of college. Whatever the year of school, there will be many exciting opportunities for learning, fun, and socializing. Football games will start up in a few weeks, as will talk of school dances and mixers.
If you’re in middle school, high school, or college, there will no doubt be opportunities to engage in dangerous activities–namely drugs and alcohol abuse. The temptation might be extremely high. “Everyone’s doing it!” you might say to yourself. I assure you, everyone is NOT participating in those unsafe past times and you don’t have to either. In the next few weeks, the CPMA blog will be bringing you many articles and posts about remaining safe and making wise decisions during this busy and exciting time of year.
So, as you start preparing your backpacks, acquiring your text books, and “First Day Back” outfits, make some time in your busy life to read these posts, share them, and really let the words sink in! You have all the willpower and courage you need to make smart choices in the 2013/2014 school year!