In partnership with Bartow EMS, The Coalition to Prevent the Misuse of Alcohol helped students at Cartersville, Woodland, Adairsville, and Cass High School to “Rethink the Drink” and to really think about the consequences of their decisions. The video, “Decisions,” focuses on the story of a young man and the decisions he makes during the night of his prom and the consequences that result. The video then highlights the true stories of 3 adults who made decisions to drink and drive or ride with a drunk driver.
At each assembly, the video was shown and then followed up with guest speakers from the video. EMS workers, Taylor Forsyth and LaRay Harris, would then reenforce the message of the assembly and ask students to sign the “Rethink the Drink” by signing a pledge banner promising not to drink or use other drugs and instead, celebrate in a safe and healthy way. These pledge banners were then hung up at the Clarence Brown Conference Center during each of the school’s prom.
The CPMA would like to thank all of the sponsors and those who contributed, along with Bartow EMS for making everything come together so smoothly, and to the Bartow Youth Action Team members who encouraged their classmates to truly think about their decisions and to sign the pledge! Thank you for making these prom assemblies such a phenomenal success!