Sometimes on Tuesdays, we linkup great blogs, websites, articles, and resources that can be of help to you in your quest to educate yourself about the dangers of alcohol abuse. Each week will have a theme. This week, the theme is “Be Responsible”. Tuesday Theme Talk will be referred to as TTT throughout the rest of the post.
CR is a fabulous organization with a mission to help educate young people about alcohol abuse and to encourage them to make the choice to live responsibly! Check out their resources for teens, parents, and educators!
TTT’s Article with the Most Impact: 10 Reasons NOT To Drink Alcohol
This Livestrong article discusses the top ten reasons to avoid alcohol altogether, whether you’re an adult, teen, or somewhere in between. Alcohol consumption can have devastating consequences.
TTT’s Show Me the Numbers: Parents, Underage Drinking Is Illegal: Even Under Your Roof
This is an excellent article from FOX that discusses the illegality of allowing minors to consume alcohol in their parents’ homes. A very fascinating look at the responsibility that adults must take for providing alcohol to their children or their children’s friends.
TTT’s Something to Think About Article: We Don’t Serve Teens
These are some real stories about alcohol responsibility as it relates to teens, parents, educators, and adults!
I hope you’ll really read and absorb these words and take these websites and articles to heart. Responsibility is HUGE in all areas of life, but especially in areas that involve your health! Make WISE choices!