On Tuesdays, we linkup great blogs, websites, articles, and resources that can be of help to you in your quest to educate yourself about the dangers of alcohol abuse. Each week will have a theme. This week, the theme is “Gender and Alcohol Abuse”. Tuesday Theme Talk will be referred to as TTT throughout the rest of the post.
TTT’s Website of the Week: AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)
No matter your gender, if you are looking for help with your alcohol abuse problem or alcoholism, perhaps AA is right for you. You can find others there to support you as you transition from substance abuse into freedom.
TTT’s Article with the Most Impact: Why She Drinks: Women and Alcohol Abuse
This Wall Street Journal article goes into extreme detail about the rise in women’s drinking and the effects it has had on popular culture and rates of alcohol abuse among women. VERY interesting article.
TTT’s Show Me the Numbers: Alcohol, Gender, and Drinking Problems
This PDF booklet from the World Health Organization is a big read, but it is full of detailed and interesting information about alcohol, gender, and drinking problems in various countries around the world!
TTT’s Something to Think About Article: Women Seeking Alcohol Abuse Treatment Earlier Than Men
EVERYONE should seek help if they have a substance abuse problem, but it is interesting that women seem to seek out help earlier than men do. Is it perhaps because men feel even more vulnerable and weak if they have to ask for help with their alcohol problem? No matter your personal feelings, if you have a substance abuse issue, SEEK OUT HELP. That is the strongest decision you can possibly make regardless of your gender.
I hope you’ll really read and absorb these words and take these websites and articles to heart. Make WISE choices!