Local “Youth Action Team” promotes national campaign in schools
CARTERSVILLE – OCTOBER 2012 – The Bartow County Youth Action Team is made up of 22 student leaders representing both County and City high schools. They meet monthly to plan ongoing events in their schools around alcohol prevention and other campaigns geared towards deterring students from risky behaviors. Their efforts to help kick-off this year’s national campaign for Red Ribbon Week began with the signing of a proclamation by Cartersville Mayor Matt Santini.
Red Ribbon Week is now the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation reaching millions of young people between October 23 – October 31st each year. It is an ideal way for people and communities to unite and take a visible stand against drugs. The campaign started when drug traffickers in Mexico City murdered DEA agent KiKi Camarena in 1985. This began the continuing tradition of displaying Red Ribbons as a symbol of intolerance towards the use of drugs. The mission of the Red Ribbon Campaign is unified and visible commitment towards the creation of a drug-free America.
The Youth Action Team is sponsoring a poster and creative writing contest around this year’s them “The Best Me is Drug Free” at South Central Middle School. Winners, from each grade level, will be announced on Friday October 26th . The Youth Action Team also created a banner for students to sign. In addition to their work at South Central, the team also distributed Red Ribbon Week posters to all area middle and high schools.
For more information about the Youth Action Team or the Red Ribbon Campaign, contact Scott Sherwin at (678) 721-5922 or eMail scott.sherwin@preventalcoholmisuse.com
Contact: Scott Sherwin, Program Coordinator
Phone: 678-721-5922
Email: scott.sherwin@preventalcoholmisuse.com