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I’ll never forget the time I was in high school visiting a friend’s house. Her mother was at home and allowing the teens present to drink in the house. It was one of those occasions of, “I’d rather them drink in the house than outside where they’d be driving or getting themselves into trouble.” I was deeply disturbed. All I could think about was the fact that if even one teenager managed to escape her notice and drive home, that person could have gotten into an accident and killed or killed someone else. It bothers me to this day and I knew even in high school that I would never offer alcohol to minors. There are just too many variables to control — not to mention the fact that alcohol can damage growing brains and bodies.
Thankfully that night no one was hurt, but it could easily have happened. I urge you today, DO NOT SERVE ALCOHOL TO MINORS. Be a good, responsible, wise role model.
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