Getting involved in activities at school is a great way to build community, get to know the teachers and staff, and build up your pre-college resume! Being social, active, and involved with extra curricular activities can help you to avoid temptation for unsafe past times like drinking and dangerous partying. Here are some great ways you can blaze a trail of exciting impact on your school!
1. Participate in a Sport! >> If you love physical activity, working out, or just having fun outside (or in), pick a sport that appeals to you and try out! Have confidence in your abilities and go show them what you can do!
2. Get involved in student government! >> Love the idea of leadership? Student government is a perfect way to build your diplomatic skills and take on responsibility for change in your school.
3. Volunteer for your school’s outreach opportunities! >> See if your school supports local homeless shelters, soup kitchens, food drives, or Habitat for Humanity chapters. If you love helping people, there are sure to be plenty of ways for you to do just that! Ask your school’s front office or guidance counselor about opportunities.
4. Join the band or chorus! >> Love to sing or want to try your hand at an instrument? Give band or chorus a shot! It is a great way to make lifelong friends and to grow your skills as a musician.
5. Immerse yourself in theatre or art! >> Another way to get involved is to dive into your school’s theatre program or art club! If you’ve got mad acting or illustrating skills, go for it!
Be a teen who makes a difference in their school and their community. Use your skills, talents, and desires for GOOD. Choose smart past times and behaviors. Don’t give into social pressures to avoid getting active in your school or to drink alcohol and take drugs. You’re BETTER THAN THAT. Prove it.